The 7 Rules of Excellence in 2018

Excellence is a journey, it is not a destination. Excellent service is the product of concerted efforts at delivering the best the first time and every-time. In our world today, it is easy to become complacent and lose track of the purpose and goal of business, which is to create value for the customer!
If any organization must continue in the line of excellence, it must espouse values that will help to establish excellence at all levels. Some of these values include:
Responsibility: The hallmark of an excellent organization lies in its ability to take control of its undertakings. An excellent organization should fully take ownership of its undertakings and also take responsibility for its successes and failures.
Sacrifice: No organization can promote a culture of excellence without making sacrifices. These sacrifices may be financial or otherwise, but one thing is however sure; without sacrifice, excellence becomes very hard to attain. The goals set towards achieving excellence cannot magically manifest. This makes hard work and drastic sacrifices very important in the journey of excellence.

Team-Work: There is one thing that every organization which is pursuing excellence must know; it is that every member of the organization is important and nothing can be achieved without team work. No person (and by extension organization) can achieve and sustain excellence alone. Excellence is a function of team-work. It is imperative for team members to know that their contributions are valued.
Change/Innovation: While these words have been largely abused in the everyday use, we are persuaded to believe that no organization can achieve excellence today with the ideas, processes and technologies of yesterday. To achieve excellence, any organization must be willing to continuously reinvent itself, breakaway from the norm and break new grounds. Complacency is the enemy of excellence.
Capacity Building: Any organization in pursuit of excellence must understand that its strength is equal to the strength of its people. To this end, it becomes imperative for every organization to invest in building its people through capacity building initiatives. Until this is done, excellence will only be a dream.
Customer-centric Approach: When it is said that the customer is King, complete sense is made. This leads us to the question of why organizations are established; to please the customer. Any organization that is pursuing excellence must always seek to satisfy the needs of its customers, albeit cost effectively. Excellence begins with satisfied customers.
Integrity: Excellence achieved through dubious means is not only unsustainable, it is not excellence at all. Integrity is the bedrock of any excellent organization. It refers to how we achieve our goals, aims and objectives. This is very important because we cannot maintain an excellent organization if integrity is not a common value that is shared by all and sundry within the organization.

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