4 Excellent Ways To Attract New Customers

As 2017 winds down and a new year approaches, many entrepreneurs have their sights on how to grow their businesses in the new year. A major part of this plan is how to manage existing customers more efficiently and, crucially, attract new ones.

Uwem Ekarika, an Uyo-based fashion designer, asked his friend, Ukpo, for suggestions. His friend gladly shared with him valuable tips he picked up while researching this subject recently:

1. Identify Your Ideal Client

It’s easier to look for customers if you know the type of consumers you seek. Without a composite of your ideal customer, you probably wouldn’t know where to start looking. Have a crystal clear picture in your head of exactly who you're targeting. Think about what makes those types of people happy, sad, scared, relieved, and then think about how you can make their lives a little easier. Narrow down the focus of your ideal client and avoid making broad target market statements, such as every woman, every man or all baby boomers. Few products appeal to that vast group of people, and overstating your market will prevent you from developing viable targeted strategies for attracting clients.

2. Discover Where Your Customer Lives

With your targeted customers in mind, identify those places where they are likely to be found (media, online, offline, mail, etc.), and then create messages for them.
Where you look for customers will depend on the nature of your business. Some good online locations include forums and social media pages, including your own and those of similar or complementary businesses. Offline, you can meet plenty of potential customers at conferences and conventions in your industry.

3. Know Your Business Inside and Out

Thoroughly understanding your industry and having a firm knowledge of your product or service is critical to being able to attract interested clients. When you know your product backward and forward, that fact comes through. The people who would be interested in your offerings can see how knowledgeable you are and will seek your assistance.

4. Position Yourself as the Answer

Give potential clients you come into contact with a good reason to try your services, which is your first step to making them loyal customers.

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